this is navy admiral mike mullen
he's the new joint chiefs of staff chairman
making him the highest ranking US military official.
here's how he sees the world:
"I honestly believe this is the most dangerous time in my life.
The enemy now is basically evil and fundamentally hates everything we are
— the democratic principles for which we stand …
This war is going to go on for a long time.
It’s a generational war."

the war on terror is a hoax
it was designed by evil bankers to last forever
by creating an enemy without uniform or nationality,
an enemy that can never be defeated.
infinite war yields infinite power and profit to those who wage it

wars are created by international bankers
who deal only with governments and corporations
to control and profit from both sides of a conflict.
fearmongers like mike mullen are mere proxies
for the invisible war engineers and profiteers.
the only way to root out this evil force,
this cancer upon humanity,
is to deny these bankers the ability to create money out of thin air.
ask yourself this question...
why does the US government borrow money from private bankers with interest,
then tax the american people to pay those evil bankers the interest on that loan,
when they have the ability to create money themselves free of debt and interest???
the land of the free is home of the slave

evil bankers control our world by manipulating us to fight each other
principally using religion as a tool to breed conflict.
they divide and conquer,
then establish a central bank in the conquered land
enslaving wartorn peoples into perpetual debt to acquire their assets.
with the fall of afghanistan and iraq, there remain 5 nations on earth
without a central bank controlled by these people:
iran, north korea, libya, sudan and cuba.
the road to world domination has been paved.
world government, world bank, world police,
and world currency located in a chip that they implant in your body
so they can have total control, enslaving an entire planet.
to achieve their objectives, they terrorize us
they attacked us before
they will attack again

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This is great info to know.
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