"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer

"The spirit of inquiry, the search for greater truth beyond religion and science,
the profound seriousness of doing real thinking, philosophy and ontology –
these are almost totally lacking in humanity.
Humanity is therefore subhuman from lack of genuine intelligence....
they automatically reject any emergent facts or realities
that do not fit their brain dead cognitive pattern of belief and disbelief.
They watch too much television" -Gabriel Chiron

"There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state.
Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality,
a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security.
They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity" -Thomas Cox

"A complete science would place astral planes, parallel dimensions, synchronicities,
consciousness, etheric fields, telepathy, vital energies, emotional energies, volition,
hyperdimensional existence and timeloops all under the same framework.
At present, these appear to be phenomena distinct from science,
but that is because science as we know it is incomplete.
It is not that these phenomena can be explained in terms of present science,
as reductionists and debunkers enjoy doing,
but rather that present science must expand to accommodate these phenomena
in terms of higher physical and metaphysical principles" -Thomas Cox

"By deliberately eliminating other options, The Powers That Be
have narrowed down the pool of choices for all aspects of our existence
to ensure that we remain in the sheep pen,
and then hope we don’t notice this and question anything.
A major facet of this in modern developed nations involves
working at a mainstream soul-sucking, energy depleting job,
whether you like it or not, so you can pay your bills and acquire material goods.
We’re not presented with other options for getting by in life -
such as bartering and trading, or growing and producing our own food and goods,
(for those who only know an urban life) or working for yourself, tax free.
So we wind up following along with little, if any,
resistance to the path that’s already been tread before us.
It is time to realize that we are living in a world that is somebody else’s creation,
and it is not in our best interest.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
And people are starting to wake up to this, slowly but surely" -Carissa Conti

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