step one: lose the loserman
joe wants this war more than bush, if that's possible
so when the decider announces the new strategy of adding another 20,000 targets to the battlefield
joe could not be happier and bush can claim bullshit bipartisanship.
i love how these two nuts get along so well
and now that joe is the new chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee,
he can refuse to investigate how the bushies fucked up katrina
i understand that america has a "special" relationship with israel
i don't understand why that relationship is not linked to the war in iraq?
or the upcoming wars in iran and syria?
why is everyone afraid to talk about israel?
even proud joe

religion devalues life
people risk their lives and fight because they think they will be rewarded in heaven
would young americans fight in iraq if they knew heaven did not exist?
would young muslims strap explosives to their bodies if they knew heaven did not exist?

joe is now holding america hostage
if he doesn't get what he wants from the dems
he can switch party and return control of the senate to the bushies
who's the terrorist now?

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