a school board in seattle is going to restrict students from watching "An Inconvenient Truth" because some idiot complained
here's his logic:
"Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore. He's not a schoolteacher," said Frosty Hardison, a parent of seven who also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000 years old.
"The information that's being presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is. ... The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD."

condoms prevent disease and unwanted pregnancy
the earth is slightly more than 14,000 years old
but he's upset that everyone isn't being told that everything is going to burn up?
this is really amazing
here we have two schools of thought
both agree that the earth is going to get hotter
one bases their belief on scientific data that can be seen and measured
the other is trusting someone's interpretation of a book written by god knows who
and written a long long time before we started burning fossil fuels and pumping CO2 into the atmosphere

and the idiot who believes in the book wins?
who the hell wants to believe everything is going to burn up?
that's batshitinsanity!!!

anyone who doesn't believe global warming exists is an idiot
i would imagine those who fight global warming initiatives do understand the link to human activity
but they're being paid lots and lots of money by those who pollute
so they can brainwash idiots like Frosty Hardison
i had google ads for a while
i was trying to figure out how they worked and got banned in the process
lol :)
now i like that there isn't any advertising
ads bug me somehow
What makes you think Federal Way, WA is in Seattle?
Have you considered buying a map, or even using one of those new fangled online mapping programs?
why did i think it was in seattle?
the article was in the local section of www.seattlepi.com
so i figured it was somewhere close to seattle
and it doesn't sound good to say "a school board in washington" because it's unclear which washington
and i didn't want to say "washington state" because i think that's too long
so i just said seattle
i figured it would provide sufficient info to identify the location
i included a link to the article so that others could see it for themselves
i was not aware that i was so wrong
apparently federal way is a whopping 22 miles from seattle
i really should have invested 5 or 10 bucks on a map
please accept my humble apology
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