from the film:
The Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt and Babylon knew that knowledge is power, so secret societies were formed to guard the secrets of medicine, architecture, government and agriculture. Secret societies are nothing more than the 1st intelligence agencies. Knowledge had to be guarded, but over time elites abused their control of the knowledge and used it to dominate their populations. 
And these same sciences of control are being used today. That’s why the elite today relish’s secrecy. They know that it is the fountain of their power. They seek to dumb down the population, not just to hoard their secret knowledge to make us even more mindless, more domesticated, like braying sheep to the slaughter. 
Their religion is the science of sophistry, the science of the con artist, the science of the despot, the dictator, the tyrant, the controller, the charlatan, the liar. They come to kill, steal and destroy. They are parasites. They are anathema to free dynamic human societies. Know your enemy. Stand up for love and life and family and resist the new world order and the Babylonian slave state our enemies are attempting to construct
That video is pretty wild.
Is this for real?
i'm guessing yes
i had a bunch of young republicans in my dorm in high school, so it doesn't surprise me, and it makes their actions make sense
can i ask what they would do?
I cant believe what happened in Virginia. Is ur school doing anything to prepare for possible copycats? Does that affect where you work; u guys prob arent accessible to regular students right?
its not a big deal here, dude got picked on all the time for the way he spoke, quite unfortunate
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