personally i don't care what happens after i die
and i'm not going to waste my life preparing for it
i don't understand where it is that people want to go?
i don't see anywhere remotely close that could sustain life
life is a brief and fragile existence on earth itself
for argument's sake, let say we all go somewhere

if you go somewhere with lots of people, who's in charge?
are millions of people controlled by an invisible force like the god we know and love?
or does god have a body?
if he does, then there must also be hundreds of thousands of beings appointed by god to control everyone
so that people don't take advantage of the system
people are inherently self-centered,
and any system is corruptible and prone to manipulation
so what's going to stop people from being greedy in heaven?
do they know any different if they were selfish and greedy their entire lives on earth?
so why waste time now wondering and worrying?
enjoy life here on earth, the life you know you get
and if you get another one, figure out the sytem and you're golden
and i know you're all smart enough to do that :)
now i know what you're saying
i shouldn't bother thinking about heaven because i'm going somewhere else

i have the same issues with hell
i guess it's somewhere underground?
how do you get there?
and if you did get there, do you have a body?
if i went somewhere and i had a body that was essentially fire resistant
i might be somewhat stoked
i love watching flames flicker

if there are millions of people in hell
there is the same likelihood that the system will be corrupt
even more likely, with all the evil living there
so why waste time worrying about it now
enjoy this life, and figure the next one out when you have to
i bet it will take less than one day to get up to speed
i wonder what heaven might look like?

i'm sorry
i just can't imagine heaven being more beautiful than earth
when i die
i will be content to reflect on all the beauty i experienced during my life